Virtual Agent Google Dialog CX

Virtual Agent / Chatbot using Google AI services for your Website for data collection, appointment Scheduler, email notification, Facebook Messenger Integration

User: Admin

Password: ***************

Remember This is a sample Virtual Agent/Chatbot to show the process of Email notification and database record keeping.

User message:Hi
Agent response:Hello! How can I help you?
User message:Need to make a booking
Agent response:What city would you like the flight to depart from?
User message:Sialkot
Agent response:What is the month and day of the departure?
User message:the day after tomorrow
Agent response:What is your destination city?
User message:Karachi
Agent response:What is the month and day for the returning flight?
User message:after 4 days
Agent response:What is the passenger’s name?
User message:Kamal
Agent response:Thank you for that information. Let me check on the availability of your ticket.
Agent response:This is to confirm that Kamal will fly From: Sialkot To: Karachi Leaving on: 2024-04-30 Returning on: 2024-05-02 Is this correct?
User message:yes
Agent response:A new booking received by Kamal from Sialkot to Karachi
Your Booking ID is 8 to board. You can cancel your order within 2 days. If you refund you will be deducted 15% amount. Goodbye.